Eastbrook Lanes

The 30th Annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake event benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Greater Grand Rapids where children are matched with positive role models. BBBS is a service of D.A. Blodgett - St. John's. This event is 80's themed! Come dressed in your best 80's attire.
WHEN & WHERE Eastbrook Lanes 3500 Lake Eastbrook Blvd SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Friday, March 4 - 5:45 & 8:30PM Saturday, March 5 - 12:00PM (sponsor a kid’s group, call for details)
COST $100 minimum donation per bowler (or $500 per qualifying team) is required to participate.
PRIZES FREE bowling, FREE pizza, and FREE t-shirt! Additional prizes awarded to the top three team recruiters and top three individual fundraisers, including hundreds of $$$ in Meijer gift cards and hotel stays. Email Mehgan Bechtel for early registration and sponsorship opportunities at [email protected]
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