Local painter to host art sale in support of hunger relief
by (Feeding America...)
Submitted 03-15-2017 under NONPROFITS
Artist Chris Stoffel Overvoorde is hosting a three-day sale of his work to support local hunger relief, March 30-April 1. A third of the sale’s proceeds will be donated to Feeding America West Michigan. This sale, hosted at his home and studio...Growing community through art: Heartside Gallery and Studio
by (DwellingPlace)
Submitted 03-07-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS
Walking into Heartside Gallery and Studio, the first thing you notice is how active the space is. The Studio and Gallery space blend where artists create and show off art. Volunteers and Neighbor artists move through the space, busy with activity....Premiere of WMCAT student-produced documentary will highlight local social justice and equity
by (wmcat)
Submitted 02-24-2017 under NONPROFITS
Maybe you’ve cranked the volume up while listening to the latest post-breakup song, or you’ve listened to a song in remembrance of your childhood years or deceased loved ones; No matter what emotion you may be experiencing, music has the..."God of Carnage" will take the stage at Dog Story Theater this Friday
by (The University Wits)
Submitted 02-08-2017 under NONPROFITS
After 11 year old boys Benjamin and Henry get into a fight on the playground, resulting in one child getting hit in the mouth and losing a few teeth, the four parents meet to discuss the unpleasantness calmly and politely. However, as tempers rise...Ride The Rapid to ice skate, shop and visit trade shows in February
by (TheRapid)
Submitted 01-30-2017 under NONPROFITS
Don't let the chilly weather keep you inside this month. Let The Rapid be your warm, cozy ride to fun for every budget throughout Grand Rapids. Whether you love cars and boats or just want to get out and do some shopping this month,...Fifth annual Lake Effect Fringe Festival kicks off at Dog Story Theater February 1
by (brittany.devon)
Submitted 01-30-2017 under LOCAL LIFE
Lake Effect Fringe Festival stands by its motto, “Changing the forecast for live local theatre,” as many local West Michigan talent pull together to provide a wide variety of events that span over a month, from February 1 until...Artist Beatriz Santiago Muñoz to give talk at Civic Studio
by (civicstudio)
Submitted 01-27-2017 under NONPROFITS
Civic Studio, in conjunction with the GVSU Art & Design Department’s Visiting Artist Committee, is honored to host a lecture by artist Beatriz Santiago Muñoz at 6:30 p.m. on February 1, 2017, at Civic Studio’s current project site at...Connection through expression: Building community through art
by (DwellingPlace)
Submitted 01-03-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS
Grand Rapids, like all cities, is a fluid place made of schools, businesses, buildings, and most importantly: people. The city, especially the corridor between Fulton Street and Wealthy Street referred to as “the Avenue for the Arts," has...GRAAMA Royal Opening centers offerings of local African-Americans
by (arcarpenter)
Submitted 12-20-2016 under NEWS
Until now, there have been few places to learn about the very first African-Americans to live in Grand Rapids. The Dutch heritage of early West Michigan settlers is often a driving narrative of Grand Rapids history, as well as that of Polish and...Live art, music create win for equity at Race Together
by (arcarpenter)
Submitted 12-09-2016 under NEWS
Surrounded by party-goers with cocktails in their hands, artist J.A. Medcalf worked steadily at his easel with a palette of browns, reds and blues for over three hours. The music of Vox Vidorra played in the background, spirited and soulful,...