citizen journalism
Building community: Why honest conversations matter
by (Holly)
Submitted 09-15-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS
Recently, a friend said they really appreciated the article about the Downtown Market by Levi Gardner on our platform- and were glad to see The Rapidian growing into a place where honest conversations can happen. This is not our first jump...Call for contributors: Upcoming training to write, report during Artprize
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 09-08-2015 under NEWS
On Thursday, September 17, The Rapidian is holding a special new reporter training with focus on contributing content for ArtPrize. If you’ve ever been interest in writing for a citizen journalism platform and don’t know what that all...Our place, your voices: Southside news from southside neighbors- and why that matters
by (krmc)
Submitted 05-22-2015 under OPINION
Having been raised on the southside of the city always made me feel far away and apart from Grand Rapids. As if downtown was Manhattan, and Division Ave was the Brooklyn Bridge passing over into the southside, my Brooklyn. A hotbed of vibrancy and...Our place, your voices: Why I write for The Rapidian
by (Michael Tuffelmire)
Submitted 05-21-2015 under OPINION
On October 13, 2009, I officially became a citizen reporter. I submitted a video of the hip hop group Flying Without Wingz performing at Rock Out 2 Come Out, a large LGBTQIA event hosted by Speak Equal at Rosa Parks Circle. What I thought would...Our place, your voices: The Rapidian's citizen journalism provides rare guide to Grand Rapids
by (Whitney Pavlica)
Submitted 05-19-2015 under OPINION
I moved to the greater Grand Rapids area as a freshman at Grand Valley State University in 2009. Besides the college visit, I had never been to Grand Rapids. My college years were mostly spent at the main campus in Allendale, with only three classes...Our place, your voices: The Rapidian is a necessary tool for community change
by (LisaRoseGR)
Submitted 05-18-2015 under OPINION
I remember well first learning about the concept for The Rapidian. It was in the Sparrows coffee shop that Laurie Cirvello - the visionary and then director of the Community Media Center - told me about this concept of a citizen-led online...Our place, your voices: Citizen journalist Jenn Schaub interviews community organizer Jenn Schaub
by (DwellingPlace)
Submitted 05-18-2015 under NONPROFITS
As one of the first approved content providers for The Rapidian, and dedicated CMC enthusiast, Jenn Schaub spends her days building community in Heartside and connecting artists to show opportunities. As part of the Avenue programing, Jenn has...Our place, your voices: Why I <3 The Rapidian
by (lindsmcholme)
Submitted 05-15-2015 under OPINION
I <3 The Rapidian for its volunteer opportunities I have volunteered all around town, but no experience beats volunteering for The Rapidian. As a citizen journalist and especially as an editorial mentor, my hard-earned skills and experience as an...Our place, your voices: From there to here...Together
by (laurie)
Submitted 05-14-2015 under OPINION
Editor's note: This article comes to you from the creator and founder of The Rapidian, and former Executive Director of the Community Media Center. We consider her the mother of The Rapidian here, and will forever be grateful for creating...Our place, your voices: Our democratic need for citizen journalists
by (tclinton)
Submitted 05-12-2015 under OPINION
Since I took over as the Executive Director of the Community Media Center (CMC) a year ago, I have been confronted time and time again by highly reported international and national news stories that involve challenges to freedom of speech and access...