citizen journalism

Catalyst Radio: The Rapidian's ABCs of ArtPrize

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 09-09-2011 under NONPROFITS

Don't have time to listen right now? Download the MP3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW (8:07) This week, The Rapidian's content editor is in the hot seat as she chats with Catalyst Radio about upcoming features on the Community Media...

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LINC invites community members to set their news agenda on The Rapidian

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 07-25-2011 under NONPROFITS

Although LINC just moved to its new building in Madison Square (1167 Madison SE), its spacious community training room has been put to task, hosting dozens of trainings in the last two months. On a sunny Monday evening, LINC staffers Kari Galbreath...

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Catalyst Radio: Chelsea Laforge, citizen first and reporter second

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 07-22-2011 under NONPROFITS

Don't have time to listen right now? Download the episode and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW Rapidian reporter Chelsea Laforge wants to help Grand Rapidians experience things in our city, and she identifies first as a citizen and then as a...

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Spreading the News

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 05-24-2011 under OPINION

It's no surprise to you that we make a big deal about the importance of our community of volunteer Rapidian reporters. The entire model of The Rapidian depends on local people stepping up to report the news, not merely consume it. We continue to...

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Get Real, Citizen Journalists

by (Ruth)

Submitted 10-17-2010 under OPINION

It’s hard to be a citizen journalist. You don’t get paid. You have no idea what you’re doing. You have to keep your iPhone charged so you can tweet breaking news… And, after all that, people don’t even take you seriously.“Without the training and...

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Hyperlocal: Trendy tag or fundamental value?

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 09-08-2010 under OPINION has no definition for the word “hyperlocal.” Microsoft Word consistently provides a red underline alert, unapologetically pointing out that I have either mistyped, or that I’m just making stuff up. Over two years ago...

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The Rapidian celebrates volunteers with SUPER-latives!

by (dennetmint)

Submitted 08-02-2010 under OPINION

From The Rapidian staff: On July 22, we threw our first volunteer bash. Named SUPER-latives!, we wanted to celebrate everyone who had contributed to The Rapidian, from readers to Flickr groupies to contributors to staff. The event took...

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Rapidian seeking NPO partners for news bureaus

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 07-13-2010 under NONPROFITS

  As the Rapidian nears its first birthday, we are looking to extend The Rapidian to new audiences and engage new voices. The cornerstone of this initiative is the plan to seed and help launch unique new bureaus. The Rapidian will provide tools...

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Online tools: Resources to create cool multimedia for The Rapidian

by (dennetmint)

Submitted 07-06-2010 under OPINION

From The Rapidian staff: It's astonishing how easy it is to create interactive media with free tools right at your fingertips (literally)—that is, if you know where to look. We covered a couple tools in a previous editorial, but here are a few more...

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Using neighborhood news bureaus to strengthen links

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 06-29-2010 under OPINION

From The Rapidian staff*: Currently, The Rapidian is primarily an online news platform, facilitating and distributing text, video and audio reports generated by people in our community. But as designed, it is also intended to have a real,...

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