Civic Theatre

Clyde's dramatizes the hopes and struggles of post-prison life

by (John Kissane)

Submitted 01-21-2024 under OPINION

You made a mistake. And it's a big mistake – the kind they could throw you in prison for. So that's what they do. You grind your sentence out, keeping your head down, dreaming of freedom. Then, finally, you get that freedom. But here...

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A Streetcar Named Desire Is Still Sharp Enough To Cut Bone

by (John Kissane)

Submitted 01-21-2020 under OPINION

"I want things. That's my job. I even want the things I already have. I want everything you have. I want the things that don't exist. That's why I'm the Devil." -Kelly Link, "Lull" 1947 saw the premiere of...

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Civic Theatre releases new puppet making class for children this winter

by (GR Civic Theatre)

Submitted 12-19-2017 under NONPROFITS

Pinocchio, Lamb Chop and the Sesame Street Cast: just a few beloved characters with something in common . . . .they are all puppets. This popular art form entertains and delights audiences of all ages and is one Grand Rapids Civic Theatre’s...

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Well-loved musical Annie returns to Civic Theatre

by (GR Civic Theatre)

Submitted 11-21-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

After 40 years on the Broadway stage, the sun continues to shine for one of the most endearing stage characters of all time, Annie. What makes this spunky little girl’s story resonate with so many generations?  The original Annie first...

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Local history buff launches Tour GR, gains traction

by (erictank)

Submitted 12-02-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Meet Jim Winslow, local graphic designer, photographer and history enthusiast. For the past three years he has been leading walking tours throughout the city and just this past June he launched Tour GR. Since then, he has done as many as 60 tours,...

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Les Miserables continues to draw crowds at Civic Theatre

by (jeneanz)

Submitted 03-18-2014 under OPINION

Since the debut of the musical “Les Miserables” on February 28 at Grand Rapids Civic Theatre, the community theatre has been putting on shows for packed audiences. The local production is captivating the crowd with Victor Hugo...

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Catalyst Radio: Civic Theatre opens its 88th season with The Giver

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 10-11-2013 under NEWS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW In this edition of Catalyst Radio we feature Grand Rapids Civic Theatre, as it begins its 88th season of performances. This season leans heavily on...

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Civic Theatre's "Harvey" proved a whimsical production for adults

by (Laura Chittenden)

Submitted 02-07-2012 under OPINION

The play The play "Harvey" was showing for the first time at the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre through January 29. “Harvey” won a 1945 Pulitzer Prize award for Drama and was made into a movie in 1950 starring James Stewart. In...

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