Deanna Morse
Wish you were here
by (Peg Treegarden)
Submitted 09-18-2011 under LOCAL LIFE
View highlights from artist Deanna Morse's video installation "Wish You Were Here" (voting #55321). You can learn about how you can be a part of the ArtPrize experience at her three workshops, all on Saturdays at 2 p.m. at Westminster...Deinstalling Lure/Wave
by (Peg Treegarden)
Submitted 10-21-2010 under LOCAL LIFE
ArtPrize doesn't end until all of the artwork is taken down. On Monday, Lure/Wave was deinstalled from the new UICA building.International Animation Day
by (Peg Treegarden)
Submitted 10-02-2009 under NONPROFITS
Animation lovers this is your chance to see some of the best animation from around the world. Internation Animation Day is a global event celebrating the art of animation. The CMC and the Animation Outreach Program of GVSU, along with...