
Seven Grand Rapids Dominicans Among Thousands in Manhattan Peace Activities

by (grdominicans)

Submitted 05-10-2010 under NONPROFITS

Seven Grand Rapids Dominicans--Mary Pat Beatty, Carol Gilbert, Barbara Hansen, Ardeth Platte, Jean Reimer, Alice Wittenbach and Lucianne Siers--gathered in Manhattan's uptown during rush hour on April 30th to begin three days of activities...

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Peter Wege Releases New Book, "Economicology II"

by (wealthytheatre)

Submitted 03-24-2010 under NONPROFITS

The Wege Foundation hosted a press conference today, to announce the release of Peter Wege's newest book, "Economicology II."  Local media were well represented, including WGVU's Shelley Irwin, GR Press and several local television news...

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West Michigan Environmental Action Council Hosting "Tapped" the movie.

by (WMEAC)

Submitted 02-09-2010 under NONPROFITS

On Thursday, February 11 at 6:30pm the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) will be hosting a screening of Tapped at the Wealthy Theater. Tapped is a film by Stephanie Soechtig who worked on the Planet Earth series. It is produced...

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GreenRide helping to revive carpooling

by (GRBlogger)

Submitted 02-01-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

When gasoline was topping over $4 a gallon, many people jumped on the carpool wagon. It seemed like a great way to save money and help the environment. But as gas prices and motivation dwindled, many people are not carpooling, or attempting to...

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Global Conservation Series

by (grdominicans)

Submitted 12-17-2009 under NONPROFITS

West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) is offering a five-session program to encourage and support the desire to care for creation. This program is specifically designed to enable people of the Judeo-Christian faith tradition to gather...

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