Seven Grand Rapids Dominicans Among Thousands in Manhattan Peace Activities
by (grdominicans)
Submitted 05-10-2010 under NONPROFITS
Seven Grand Rapids Dominicans--Mary Pat Beatty, Carol Gilbert, Barbara Hansen, Ardeth Platte, Jean Reimer, Alice Wittenbach and Lucianne Siers--gathered in Manhattan's uptown during rush hour on April 30th to begin three days of activities...Peter Wege Releases New Book, "Economicology II"
by (wealthytheatre)
Submitted 03-24-2010 under NONPROFITS
The Wege Foundation hosted a press conference today, to announce the release of Peter Wege's newest book, "Economicology II." Local media were well represented, including WGVU's Shelley Irwin, GR Press and several local television news...West Michigan Environmental Action Council Hosting "Tapped" the movie.
by (WMEAC)
Submitted 02-09-2010 under NONPROFITS
On Thursday, February 11 at 6:30pm the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) will be hosting a screening of Tapped at the Wealthy Theater. Tapped is a film by Stephanie Soechtig who worked on the Planet Earth series. It is produced...GreenRide helping to revive carpooling
by (GRBlogger)
Submitted 02-01-2010 under LOCAL LIFE
When gasoline was topping over $4 a gallon, many people jumped on the carpool wagon. It seemed like a great way to save money and help the environment. But as gas prices and motivation dwindled, many people are not carpooling, or attempting to...Global Conservation Series
by (grdominicans)
Submitted 12-17-2009 under NONPROFITS
West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) is offering a five-session program to encourage and support the desire to care for creation. This program is specifically designed to enable people of the Judeo-Christian faith tradition to gather...