Avenue for the Arts to feature over 400 artists in Art.Downtown. gallery hop

by (erictank)

Submitted 04-01-2014 under NEWS

On Friday April 11, Avenue for the Arts will present its annual Art.Downtown. evening event showcasing 400 artists and over 30 destinations along the Division Avenue corridor.  Grand Rapids Trolley will be providing free shuttle services...

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Visionary placemaking: GoSite to open this summer

by (GoSite)

Submitted 04-01-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

The GoSite, a collaborative project brought together by GRAM to create a fun, innovative and welcoming place for visitors and locals alike to find and share information about Grand Rapids, will open Phase I this summer in the front corner of...

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Keep on looking: GRAM unveils collection of contemporary art

by (Holly)

Submitted 01-30-2014 under NEWS

You probably don't know who 94-year-old Emily Fisher Landau is, but chances are you recognize a lot of the artwork she's collected. With famous artists like Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns and Cy Twombly in the collection, Landau...

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GoSite Inclusion Committee working to represent area sectors

by (GoSite)

Submitted 12-30-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

The upcoming GoSite, located in the northwest glass enclosed corner of the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM), is designed to create an environment that both welcomes people into the space as well as sends people out into the community to...

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Story Matters: Sheila Garner watches downtown reactions change

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 12-16-2013 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. STORY MATTERS. is a story collecting project from The Rapidian and GRTV. Sheila Garner sat...

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Mid December Holiday Art Thing: no holiday craft stuff here

by (erictank)

Submitted 12-10-2013 under NEWS

Join in the holiday shopping extravaganza on December 14 from 12-5 p.m. for the Mid December Holiday Art Thing. The exhibit is at a live/work lofts space at 506 Oakland SW showcasing seven of the area's accomplished artists working in a variety...

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GoSite coalition partners offer collaborative, community-focused programs

by (GoSite)

Submitted 11-19-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

The upcoming GoSite, located in the northwest glass enclosed corner of the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM), creates an environment that reframes the traditional information center to fully engage an integrated 21st century audience, eliminating...

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Masterful American landscapes showcased at Grand Rapids Art Museum

by (RickBeerhorst)

Submitted 11-01-2013 under OPINION

"Masterpieces of American Landscape Painting 1820-1950" is a current show at the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM). The show has come from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (BFA)I came out of the new show at the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM)...

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Collaboration, mixed-use, inclusivity: building blocks of the GoSite space

by (GoSite)

Submitted 10-01-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

Creating an information-sharing space in the heart of Grand Rapids, with comprehensive content and interactive technology that allows for multiple access points, requires the efforts of numerous people and organizations sharing in the vision. The...

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Planning Commission approves request to allow food trucks downtown

by (NicoleGR)

Submitted 09-13-2013 under NEWS

On September 12, the Planning Commission passed the request of the special land use of food concessions on the corner of the Grand Rapids Art Museum. This was the first request for food concessions on private land in the downtown area. The request...

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