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Join us: Celebrate your community

by (JimTalen)

Submitted 05-19-2013 under OPINION

I live in Heritage Hill. It’s a great community and I have fabulous neighbors. Many of them have been there as long as I have – 38 years!  It’s my neighborhood. Or is it? I’m just four blocks from Heartside, where I can...

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Join us: Nonprofits find voice on The Rapidian

by (Heartside Galle...)

Submitted 05-18-2013 under NONPROFITS

Working for a small nonprofit, getting the word out about our studio and events has been a challenge. Newspapers close down left and right, and media is so difficult to navigate and capture, especially when we often report on positive happenings in...

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Join us: Storytelling as city-building

by (jleff)

Submitted 05-18-2013 under OPINION

In the city-building world, we call people who create places "place makers." In this placemaker category you have urban planners, developers and architects - the people who make the things that create a sense of place. However, cities are...

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Catalyst Radio: Rapidian staff go live on WYCE to raise funds

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 04-27-2012 under NEWS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW This week on Catalyst Radio we depart from our regular format in order to go live on WYCE for The Rapidian's first-ever fund drive. We are...

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