
Volunteer Tutor Orientation

by (kpayne)

Submitted 07-20-2015 under

The Literacy Center of West Michigan has scheduled an information session on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 for prospective volunteer tutors. This session is held at 2:00 pm and lasts one hour. It allows persons interested in becoming volunteer tutors the...

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Volunteer Tutor Orientation

by (kpayne)

Submitted 06-17-2015 under

The Literacy Center of West Michigan has scheduled an information session on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 for prospective volunteer tutors. This session is held at 6:00 pm and lasts one hour. It allows persons interested in becoming volunteer tutors to...

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Volunteer Tutor Orientation

by (kpayne)

Submitted 06-15-2015 under

The Literacy Center of West Michigan has scheduled an information session on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 for prospective volunteer tutors. This session is held at 10 am and lasts one hour. It allows persons interested in becoming volunteer tutors the...

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Volunteer Tutor Orientation

by (kpayne)

Submitted 06-15-2015 under

The Literacy Center of West Michigan has scheduled an information session on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 for prospective volunteer tutors. This session is held at 10 am and lasts one hour. It allows persons interested in becoming volunteer tutors the...

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Volunteer Tutor Orientation

by (kpayne)

Submitted 04-13-2015 under

The Literacy Center of West Michigan has scheduled an information session on Monday, May 4, 2015 for prospective volunteer tutors. This session is held at 6:30 pm and lasts one hour. It allows persons interested in becoming volunteer tutors the...

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Volunteer Tutor Orientation

by (kpayne)

Submitted 02-18-2015 under

The Literacy Center of West Michigan has scheduled an information session on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 for prospective volunteer tutors. This session is held at 6:30 pm and lasts one hour. It allows persons interested in becoming volunteer tutors to...

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Volunteer Tutor Orientation

by (kpayne)

Submitted 02-09-2015 under

The Literacy Center of West Michigan has scheduled an information session on Monday, March 2, 2015 for prospective volunteer tutors. This session is held at 6:30 pm and lasts one hour. It allows persons interested in becoming volunteer tutors the...

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Reading tutors needed for Literacy Center of West Michigan

by (erictank)

Submitted 12-30-2014 under NEWS

On Wednesday, January 7 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. the Literacy Center of West Michigan will host a volunteer tutor orientation for individuals who wish to become involved.  Volunteering with the Literacy Center involves a minimal commitment of two...

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NPO Showcase: Literacy Center of West Michigan

by (GRTV)

Submitted 11-17-2014 under NONPROFITS

This segment of NPO Showcase features Dr. Wendy Falb, the new Executive Director of the Literacy Center of West Michigan. Dr. Falb joins us in studio to discuss her new role as Executive Director, what drew her to the mission, and how the Literacy...

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Young and mighty Cook Library Scholars excel in second year

by (Community Liter...)

Submitted 11-15-2014 under NONPROFITS

Sometimes the words “improving literacy” can be just that: words. But words make up stories filled with real kids, real families and real struggles and successes. Some of those stories are embodied in the Cook Library Scholars,...

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