mark hepper

Passing the Mic: Sikh Society of West Michigan's Rishi Singh answers, "What does your faith do to address your members' suffering?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 07-31-2021 under VOICES

Ven. Yong Su Mark Hepper, Mahayana Buddhist practitioner and Teaching Monk at the Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "What does your faith, your religion, do to specifically address your members...

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Passing the Mic: Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple's Rev. Yong Su answers, "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you've changed your perspective on over this pandemic?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-16-2021 under VOICES

Muneeba Khan, Islamic practitioner and member of At-Tawheed Islamic Center, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you’ve changed your perspective on over this pandemic time?...

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