Pyramid Scheme
Pyramid Scheme to support The Rapidian with second Night Out
by (Holly)
Submitted 11-19-2012 under LOCAL LIFE
On Monday, December 3, from open to close, the Pyramid Scheme will be taking 20% of your beer. In fact, they'll be taking 20% right off the top of whatever you order. That's because on that one special night, 20% of your purchases will be...Dance down the Signal Path
by (adrian)
Submitted 11-15-2012 under OPINION
Take one shot funk, mix in some grooves, and top it off with heavy bass you will get something like Signal Path. This jam band takes the idea of rock and injects a vast array of electronics and synthesis to provide a deep dance experience from...Let's get on down with the Grand Rapids Soul Club
by (stevendavison)
Submitted 07-24-2012 under OPINION
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “archive” is defined as “a place for keeping records.” While the definition isn't referring to vinyl 45 rpm “records” specifically, this definition fits what...Pyramid Scheme to host massive outdoor block-party-style festival Saturday
by (atkolkma)
Submitted 06-13-2012 under OPINION
This Saturday, the streets surrounding 68 Commerce Ave SW will fill with people, beer and musical festivities as the Pyramid Scheme launches its first annual T-Rex Fest. The venue is hoping to reach the festival’s capacity of 3,500 people with...Catalyst Radio: Inaugural LadyFestGR to feature music, art, workshops
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 02-24-2012 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW LadyFestGR makes its debut next Saturday, March 3, with a slate of music, workshops, vendors, a variety show and art. The all-day (and night)...TEAMwork: A night of dance and drag for diversity
by (TEAM West MI)
Submitted 11-20-2011 under NONPROFITS
On December 10th, The Pyramid Scheme is holding a charity benefit called TEAMwork: A Night of Dance and Drag for Diversity for The Tolerance, Equality, and Awareness Movement (TEAM), a federally tax-exempt human rights organization operating in West...Artprize 2011: Erkfitz's part of Schematic in Two Parts
by (kristincomstock)
Submitted 10-06-2011 under LOCAL LIFE
It would be hard to miss the brightly colored mural "Schematic in Two Parts" on the corner of Commerce and Oakes street, located alongside The Pyramid Scheme and created by Grand Rapid's own Erwin Erkfitz. Collaborating with...The Life And Times, Lights At Sea & Charles The Osprey @ The Pyramid Scheme
by (Carolyn)
Submitted 06-23-2011 under
$10 FOR AGES 18-20 $8 FOR 21+ AND ADVANCE TICKETS Tickets: The Life And Times, Lights At Sea, Charles The Osprey & Between Brains @ The Pyramid...Foundation set for the Pyramid Scheme
by (Carolyn)
Submitted 07-22-2010 under NEWS
The Grand Rapids Planning Commission voted today to approve a special land use permit for the Pyramid Scheme, a proposed neighborhood bar and music venue at 68 Commerce Ave SW in downtown Grand Rapids. Behind the scheme are Jeff and Tami VandenBerg...