
Community Updates: Friday, August 19

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 08-19-2022 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Public Library to Host "Adult Storytime" Events  The Grand Rapids Public Library has announced that it will be hosting four monthly "Adult Storytime" events at the Golden Age at Creston Brewery to...

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Guiding Light Launches 'Casting Light' Podcast Highlighting Stories of Rescue, Recovery and Reengagement

by (Guiding Light)

Submitted 07-13-2021 under NONPROFITS

Guiding Light, a Grand Rapids-based nonprofit, has launched a weekly podcast series to document and share the stories of Grand Rapids men in recovery who have found hope and a new way forward. “Casting Light, Stories of Recovery and Hope at...

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Passing the Mic: Heartside Downtown Neighborhood Association answers, "How are you preserving your neighborhood's unique history and stories?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 11-30-2020 under VOICES

Amy Brower, Executive Director of Roosevelt Park Neighborhood Association, asks Grand Rapids' neighborhood associations: "In the midst of all this fast moving change and planning for the future, how are they . . . still preserving some of...

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Passing the Mic: Roosevelt Park Neighborhood Association answers, "How can neighborhood associations help improve community-police relations?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 10-16-2020 under VOICES

Annette Vandenberg, Executive Director at West Grand Neighborhood Organization, asks Grand Rapids' neighborhood associations: "The one thing that we're working on right now is how we as neighborhood associations can be the bridge to...

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COVID-19 in Grand Rapids: Friday, April 3 updates

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-03-2020 under NEWS

As of 3pm today, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Kent County has risen to 136. The number of COVID-19-related deaths in the county remains at two. Statewide, there has been an increase of 1953 cases to a grand total of 12,744, with 479...

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Baxter's Threads Sewing Class proudly presents fourth Biennial Quilt Show

by (Baxter Communit...)

Submitted 09-04-2018 under NONPROFITS

The Baxter Community Center’s Threads Sewing Class proudly presents the fourth Biennial Quilt Show. This exclusive Quilt Show Event features excellent historical and personal stories. This year’s quilt show’s theme is “A...

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Bus Stop Stories showcase local resident experiences on public transportation

by (peoplewd)

Submitted 09-15-2014 under NONPROFITS

Disability Advocates of Kent County (DAKC), Tommy Allen Creative and Friends of Transit, the local transit advocacy team, are excited to share new videos of lively, poignant, and comic reflections on The Rapid’s new BRT Silver Line debut in...

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Storytellers spin tales for elementary classrooms, public events

by (dansteenwyk)

Submitted 04-15-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Every month, a group of enthusiastic individuals gathers in Grand Rapids to spin yarns and tell tall tales. Story Spinners of Grand Rapids share personal stories, fables, historical narratives, personal mementos and everything in between. They have...

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PechaKucha: 20x20 format shares personal stories for sold-out crowd

by (tiffewigleben)

Submitted 11-11-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

On Wednesday, November 6 at San Chez Bistro, 10 diverse, creative and passionate people shared their stories with a sold out crowd. The format was simple: 20 slides, 20 seconds for each slide. That left six minutes and 40 seconds per presenter...

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Community Media Center captures community stories

by (Holly)

Submitted 05-03-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Thursday night, the Community Media Center (CMC) staff and board members gathered together their members to share the story of what our organization has been doing at the event "Elevating Voices" at the Wealthy Theatre. A video, highlighting the...

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