6:00 - 8:00 pm
Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters
758 Wealthy St SE
Grand Rapids MI 49503

Enjoy this clear and direct way to zero in on the essence of your memories, to bring to the surface meanings you didn't know were there, and to enter the world of your past with grace as well as practical strategies.
Over our time together, you will use the five senses to highlight and develop your life writing—whether it be prose or poetry, and you will learn a structure for controlling the development of your ideas. In addition, Anne-Marie will offer readings as models, and advice for continuing your work after workshop.
For all ages and walks of life, even one moment of life writing (memoir) is a rewarding project and a promising step toward legacy. Bring notebooks and pens, laptops if you have one (recommended but not required), and a brave and willing heart. You will have the opportunity to share.
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