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Without your help, The Rapidian will not be able to continue sharing our stories.

Willie Jones, Heartside Artist, on his trip to London to visit his work inducted into the Museum of Everything /Sarah Scott
This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.
Without your help, The Rapidian will not be able to continue sharing our stories.
Willie Jones, Heartside Artist, on his trip to London to visit his work inducted into the Museum of Everything /Sarah Scott
Working for a small nonprofit, getting the word out about our studio and events has been a challenge. Newspapers close down left and right, and media is so difficult to navigate and capture, especially when we often report on positive happenings in the community, and not sensationalized, violent activities.
When we first hear about The Rapidian, both that it was an online local news source and that we as a nonprofit could be citizen journalists, we were thrilled to say the least!
The Rapidian, a program of the 501(c)3 nonprofit Community Media Center, relies on the community’s support to help cover the cost of training reporters and publishing content.
We need your help.
If each of our readers and content creators who values this community platform help support its creation and maintenance, The Rapidian can continue to educate and facilitate a conversation around issues for years to come.
Please support The Rapidian and make a contribution today.