3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

GLCL front door
The Writer's Alley (http://thewritersalley.com/about/) will have a memoir writing workshop for adults on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters, located at 758 Wealthy St SE, Grand Rapids. Whether you want to write a longer work or just share a chapter of your life with family and friends (perhaps this year's meaningful holiday gift), this workshop will help you get started. You will learn creative strategies for generating ideas. Participants will learn the fundamentals of memoir writing. You will compose and revise a brief chapter of your own memoirs and will receive feedback from the facilitator and the group. 12 spots only, so sign up soon! Click on GLCL's "Donate Button" to sign up: http://readwritelive.org/membership-and-donations
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