In a back room of the garage at SiTE:LAB's Rumsey Street Project, 800 backpacks hang on a large wall, a video screens along the floor in front of them, and various other objects and photographs face the backpacks on the opposite wall.
"Left behind in the desert by undocumented migrants on their journey into the U.S.," as the artist statement says on the ArtPrize website description of "State of Exception" by Richard Barnes, Amanda Krugliak and Jason De Leon, these pieces surround the viewers and pull them into its story.
So we went down to Rumsey Street with GRTV to visit the piece, which is currently running as one of the top 25 vote-getters in the public vote in its category, to see what the public's reaction is to the work.
Voting continues until 11:59 p.m. Saturday night.
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