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The American Cancer Society: Creating a World with More Birthdays

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

Underwriting support from:

/American Cancer Society

By Emily Coyle

More than 11 million Americans who have heard the words “You have cancer,” are alive today thanks to the progress that’s being made in the fight against cancer. That’s 11 million people who are celebrating their birthdays this year who may otherwise not have had that chance due to a cancer diagnosis.
Death rates, the best indicator of progress against cancer, have declined at a rate of about one to two percent per year for 15 years, translating into about 650,000 cancer deaths avoided during that time period
People living in the U.S. in 2006 were about fifteen percent less likely to die from cancer compared to 1991.
For the first time, both incidence and death rates for all cancers combined is decreasing for both men and women.
As the Official Sponsor of Birthdays, the American Cancer Society is helping to save lives and create more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures and by fighting back against cancer through grassroots advocacy efforts that are showing real results and helping to ensure cancer remains a top national priority in health care reform.
The movement for more birthdays is about everyday people coming together to make a meaningful difference. We know that together we can help make sure that cancer never steals another year of anyone’s life.
Every day more people are joining the movement to create a world with more birthdays. Our strength and commitment fuels the movement’s growth, honors those that have been affected by cancer, and reminds us all how special one more candle, one more cake, and one more celebration with the people we love truly is.
Visit to make the American Cancer Society the official sponsor of your birthday.
For cancer information anytime, visit or call 800.227.2345.

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