the rapid

Ride The Rapid to sip local during Cocktail Week GR

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 11-09-2016 under NEWS

Move over craft beer. It’s the craft cocktail’s time to shine. If you’re looking for an excuse to discover all Grand Rapids has to offer in terms of craft cocktails and spirits, Cocktail Week GR is for you. From November 9 - 20,...

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Ride The Rapid in November to sip local and enjoy arts and culture

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 11-02-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

The days are growing shorter and the weather colder. But staying inside doesn't have to mean missing out on fun events and destinations throughout the city. Music, shopping, theater, cocktails -- November has it all. As you gear up for the...

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Transit-friendly October events you'll love

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 09-30-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Ah...autumn! Bring on the crisp weather, sweaters and falling leaves. Get the most out of the month of October by packing your event calendar with fun things to do. Whether it’s taking in the art and culture of the city or doing something...

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'Park Once' and get around downtown Grand Rapids

by (GRTV)

Submitted 09-28-2016 under NONPROFITS

In this week’s segment of GRTV’s NPO Showcase, Grand Rapids Economic Development Services Managing Director Kara Wood discusses the changes that have been made to our city’s parking and public transportation systems, in effect...

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Ride The Rapid to ArtPrize Eight

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 09-20-2016 under NEWS

The transformation of downtown Grand Rapids into a giant art gallery is well underway. ArtPrize is almost here with opening day starting this Wednesday, September 21 running through October 9. And in ArtPrize’s eighth year as an event, there...

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The Rapid's education campaign "There's More to the Ride" earns national honor

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 09-19-2016 under NEWS

This past April, The Rapid launched a new campaign that informs the Greater Grand Rapids region about the merits of public transportation through simple, powerful, consistent, and, most importantly, positive messages about the experience. We're...

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The Rapid's new ad series tells riders' stories, benefits to community

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 04-12-2016 under NEWS

Paul Mackie, one of the nation’s foremost mass transit bloggers and the communications director of the Virginia-based nonprofit research organization Mobility Lab, recently posed this challenge to America’s public transportation industry...

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Ride the Rapid for family-friendly Easter events throughout Grand Rapids

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 03-24-2016 under NONPROFITS

The tradition of painting hard-boiled eggs during springtime pre-dates Christianity. And nothing says Easter quite like a good old-fashioned egg hunt! This weekend let The Rapid get you to a number of family-friendly Easter events throughout the...

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Let The Rapid be your designated driver for St. Patrick's Day

by (TheRapid)

Submitted 03-17-2016 under NONPROFITS

Greater Grand Rapids unfortunately does not have Ireland’s celebrated Blarney Stone which, according to legend, endows kissers of the slab with the gift of the gab. We are blessed, however, with the opportunity to experience several exciting...

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The Rapid reports increased services, success for Silver Line

by (GRTV)

Submitted 12-09-2015 under NONPROFITS

It’s been just over a year since The Rapid launched the Silver Line, Michigan’s first bus rapid transit (BRT) system. The Silver Line connects area suburbs to Grand Rapids to help commuters get downtown quickly. “The whole idea of...

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