Americorps Vista Volunteer
Bethany Christian Services helps refugee families adjust to life in West Michigan
by (GRTV)
Submitted 12-21-2016 under NONPROFITS
In this week’s segment of GRTV’s NPO Showcase, Nathan Slauer, VISTA Leader at Bethany Christian Services, discusses the current refugee crisis, the refugee resettlement efforts of the organization, and how folks in the community can get...Refugees connect and contribute to the community through Rhododendron Crafts
by (lindsmcholme)
Submitted 03-04-2011 under LOCAL LIFE
Jessica Ennis met Bhutanese-Nepali refugees Dik Bir and Dil Maya Powdyel about a year ago through the New Neighbor Program at Bethany Christian Services, where she volunteers as an AmeriCorps Vista member. The first time she visited the Powdyels’...