author visit

Life as a NYC Cab Driver: An Evening with Melissa Plaut

by (grpl)

Submitted 07-08-2014 under

Does anyone ever really know what they want to do with their life? Join Melissa Plaut—author of Hack—as she reads from her book and talks about her journey from corporate copywriter to NYC cab driver. Plaut will share stories of her...

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Why I Write Fantasy: A Discussion with A. Lee Martinez

by (grpl)

Submitted 07-08-2014 under

A. Lee Martinez, author of 16 books including Helen and Troy's Epic Road Quest will lead an open discussion about why he is drawn to the genre of fantasy and why it has such a great growing appeal across the board. He will also examine the...

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Called Again: An Evening with 2012 National Geographic Adventurer of the Year Jennifer Pharr Davis

by (grpl)

Submitted 06-09-2014 under

In 2011, two-time Appalachian Trail thru-hiker Jennifer Pharr Davis wanted to test her limits. With the support of her husband Drew and a dedicated group of volunteers dubbed the “Pit Crew,” Jen hiked, stumbled, and sometimes crawled the...

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An Evening with Lori Nelson Spielman

by (grpl)

Submitted 05-16-2014 under

Enjoy an evening of chocolates as Lori Nelson Spielman talks about the inspiration for her debut novel, The Life List. As a teacher, Lori is accustomed to giving homework assignments, so each audience member will receive his or her own 'life...

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