City, health officials show up to talk Westside cancer concerns to sparse resident attendance
by (Elizabeth Roger...)
Submitted 07-20-2018 under NEWS
Regional health officials and local City employees came in numbers for two neighborhood meetings Thursday, July 19, 2018 at Servants Community Church on the west side of Grand Rapids, but very few neighbors did. “The Westside usually shows up...Westside neighbors work with health department, press for answers over cancer concerns
by (Elizabeth Roger...)
Submitted 06-05-2018 under NEWS
A lot has happened since cousins Shane Smith and Jammie Danner began talking with former neighbors in southwest Grand Rapids about why so many of their loved ones were getting cancer. Since bringing their group's conversations to the public on a...Westsiders raise concern over cancer crisis among neighbors from childhood block
by (Elizabeth Roger...)
Submitted 05-11-2018 under NEWS
On Monday, May 7, 2018 Shane Smith took his worries about the high rates of cancer among the family and neighbors he grew up with on the block of Indiana Avenue SW between Butterworth and Wealthy public. What had been a sometimes grim joke and...