Animal Lovers and Pet Parents, Listen Up!
by (NicoleCapizzi)
Submitted 11-24-2009 under NEWS
When walking through the Humane Society of Kent County, you see a more cheerful place than you may have expected. You see "hope," says Karen Terpstra, the executive director. Dogs are typically paired in their kennels to alleviate...Local Group Seeks to Assist Plight of Outdoor Animals in Winter
by (mdhoyt)
Submitted 11-06-2009 under NEWS
It is estimated by local animal welfare groups that in Grand Rapids alone, hundreds of companion animals are left to fend for themselves against the cold each winter. Without proper shelter and care, frostbite, hypothermia and death can overtake our...Just because you can't touch them, doesn't mean you can't help them!
by (Carols Ferals)
Submitted 10-16-2009 under NONPROFITS
Friday, October 16th was National Feral Cat Day! It's a good time for you to learn about feral cats in your neighborhood and how you can help them. Feral cats (aka: wild, untamed, afraid of humans) as well as friendly strays roam every...Happy Endings Thanks to Carol's Ferals
by (NicoleCapizzi)
Submitted 10-03-2009 under NEWS
After six weeks of separation, Sugar the cat was happily reunited with her owner. This may not have been possible without the help of a caring bystander, Sugar's microchip, and Carol's Ferals. This was the first time Sugar had ever...Carol's Ferals
by (Carols Ferals)
Submitted 09-14-2009 under NONPROFITS
Hello fellow Rapidians. I’m Carol Manos of Carol's Ferals. You will be hearing a lot from me. Mostly about stray and feral cats and how I can help you to help them. With The Rapidian launching, I hope to better serve the cats of Grand...