
GRFD Makes Quick Trip to Tamarack

by (drewsa9)

Submitted 09-23-2009 under NEWS

The Grand Rapid Fire Department was called to 1125 Tamarack NW at approximately 7:30 p.m. Wednesday night due to smoke coming from the residence. According to neighbors, something was forgotten on the stove. Firefighters were on scene for less than...

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ArtPrize piece catches fire in Cathedral Square

by (John Eisenschenk)

Submitted 09-15-2009 under NEWS

(Video) Michael Glenn Monroe was welding his The Sharing Tree (fondly known as "Woody") Project for ArtPrize at the Cathedral Square near the Catholic Central High School when the tree caught fire around 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 13, 2009. See his...

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