
Faces of the Grand Rapids housing crisis: Minnie Dentmond

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 03-20-2017 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Homes for All met last Friday night at Baxter Community Center to talk about the housing crisis and gentrification in Grand Rapids. In this meeting, residents had an opportunity to join the Tenant Union, brainstorm ideas about housing...

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New web show holds first live taping event

by (MixedReviewsGR)

Submitted 03-14-2017 under NEWS

The new web show Mixed Reviews Grand Rapids will tape its next episode, about gentrification in Grand Rapids, in front of a live audience this Thursday. After the initial conversation between the two guests, the audience will be invited to interact...

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Homes for All represents residents in gentrification crisis at GR City Commission Meeting

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 02-22-2017 under NEWS

The Grand Rapids City Commission meeting room held extra chairs as well as news cameras Tuesday, February 21, 2017. The special set-up was to accommodate the attendance of Homes For All, a collective of city residents there to speak to the...

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Community advocate faces Grand Rapids' housing crisis, gentrification

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 02-21-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

It’s a Tuesday night at City Hall, and LaDonna Norman approaches the microphone to address the meeting of the Grand Rapids City Commission. For the past year or more, Norman has spoken during the public comment period at the end of nearly...

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Gentrification or revitalization: Which is it?

by (Andrew Sisson)

Submitted 06-28-2016 under OPINION

“Let’s be clear what we are seeing on the Westside is revitalization, not gentrification." This is how I was corrected by a fellow participant in a roundtable to inform the City of Grand Rapid’s Residential Market Analysis in...

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Catalyst Radio: racial equity in Grand Rapids

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 03-21-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW In this episode of Catalyst Radio, we talk with Kyle Lim, project coordinator for Grand Rapids Urban League, on issues around racial equity in Grand...

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Baxter, Madison neighbors urged to speak up about local developer's plans


Submitted 03-15-2016 under NONPROFITS

Last week the Greater Grand Rapids Racial Equity Network (GGRREN) was made aware of plans by Rockford Construction to develop specific areas around Eastern Avenue and Cottage Grove Street, in southeast Grand Rapids. As a network of individuals and...

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Preventing displacement in Heartside

by (DwellingPlace)

Submitted 01-11-2016 under NONPROFITS

On December 29, an article entitled “Local urban sociology professor explains concerns about Heartside, gentrification” appeared in The Rapidian that requires a response. The article suggests that development in the Heartside...

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Local urban sociology professor explains concerns about Heartside, gentrification

by (alreyno)

Submitted 12-29-2015 under OPINION

Anyone who spends time in downtown Grand Rapids can see obvious signs of economic resurgence, especially in the area around Monroe Center. However, looking south from Fulton Street toward the Heartside Neighborhood, the economic picture is more...

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West Side home prices: Blowing up or recovering?

by (pete)

Submitted 12-16-2015 under OPINION

Everyone agrees, 2015 was a crazy year for real estate in West Michigan. Why, to what extent, and how that affects our market are questions that are less processed and understood. Here, I’ll share some analysis and interpretation, to add...

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