Grand Rapids Neighborhood Summit

City Connection: Mayor Bliss to be joined by Jordoun Eatman, Lead Neighborhood Connector for the City of Grand Rapids, to discuss the upcoming Neighborhood Summit

by (GRTV)

Submitted 05-03-2021 under NEWS

Join us today, Monday, May 3, 2021 at 4 p.m. on LiveWire, Comcast Cable 24, for tonight's episode of City Connection. Mayor Rosalynn Bliss is joined in the GRTV studio by new Jourdan Eatman, Lead Neighborhood Connector for the City of Grand Rapids...

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Kids Summit alumni brainstorm with WMCAT direction for 2019 event

by (Erica Soto)

Submitted 10-30-2018 under OPINION

As Kids Summit coordinator for the past two years, I’ve had the awesome privilege to plan a day for our future leaders to learn, play, grow, and be in community with children of many different backgrounds. Coming into the third year of Kids...

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Future Grand Rapids leaders partner with local gallery to make mural for City Hall

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 03-14-2017 under NEWS

The Grand Rapids Neighborhood Summit hosted its first Kids Summit on March 4, 2017. The Kids Summit attendees, in partnership with Richard App Gallery, created of mural of Grand Rapids to be displayed downtown at City Hall. Erica Soto, Team Leader...

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