Grand Rapids Public Library

Percussion Virtuoso: Bill Vits

by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

Principal Percussionist for the Grand Rapids Symphony, Bill Vits will share the world of percussion through performance, audience interaction, and demonstration of a variety of instruments.

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by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

EatPlayGrow combines the latest science and research to teach children ages 2-5 and their parents how to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices. Join GRPL and Cherry Health for interactive and engaging lessons that incorporate art-...

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by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

EatPlayGrow combines the latest science and research to teach children ages 2-5 and their parents how to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices. Join GRPL and Cherry Health for interactive and engaging lessons that incorporate art-...

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by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

EatPlayGrow combines the latest science and research to teach children ages 2-5 and their parents how to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices. Join GRPL and Cherry Health for interactive and engaging lessons that incorporate art-...

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by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

EatPlayGrow combines the latest science and research to teach children ages 2-5 and their parents how to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices. Join GRPL and Cherry Health for interactive and engaging lessons that incorporate art-...

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by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

EatPlayGrow combines the latest science and research to teach children ages 2-5 and their parents how to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices. Join GRPL and Cherry Health for interactive and engaging lessons that incorporate art-...

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Pre-Reading Classes for Kids

by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their preschoolers, ages 3 to 5, to 45-minute classes featuring literacy-rich activities such as interactive storytelling using puppets, dramatic play, and hands-on fun. Related songs, fingerplays, and...

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Pre-Reading Classes for Kids

by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their preschoolers, ages 3 to 5, to 45-minute classes featuring literacy-rich activities such as interactive storytelling using puppets, dramatic play, and hands-on fun. Related songs, fingerplays, and...

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GR Reads: Summer Reading All Grown Up

by (grpl)

Submitted 04-14-2015 under

The Grand Rapids Public Library has once again partnered with area organizations to present the sixth annual GR Reads, a summer reading program designed for adults. Come discover the ten interesting books that our smart staff have selected, or join...

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Breastfeeding rights under scrutiny

by (Linnea)

Submitted 03-25-2015 under VOICES

This week, for the first time in my life, I felt uncomfortable in the library. More than just uncomfortable, I felt embarrassed, belittled and unwelcome. After being a patron of the Grand Rapids Public Libraries for my whole life, one might wonder...

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