Grand Rapids Public Schools
Kent Vocational Options at ArtPrize 2011
by (KVO and CBOT)
Submitted 10-11-2011 under NONPROFITS
Students and teachers from the Grand Rapids Public School's Kent Vocational Options and Community Based Occupational Training program (KVO & CBOT), First Place 1 Classroom found a representation of their S.O.A.R. theme at ArtPrize 2011. S.O....$446 million Michigan taxpayer dollars to teen pregnancy each year
by (mafteium)
Submitted 12-16-2010 under OPINION
In the United States, statistics about teenage sexual activity are staggering. A study in Vital and Health Statistics by Abma, et. al., shows that by age 15, 13% of girls and 15% of boys have engaged in sexual intercourse, and by 18, nearly 60% of...Community Foundation Announces $207,000 in Education Grants
by (GRCommFound)
Submitted 05-05-2010 under NONPROFITS
Three Grand Rapids Public elementary schools are receiving $91,000 in total grants from the Meijer Good Schools for Grand Rapids Program, which recognizes area elementary schools demonstrating measurable success. In addition, 67 teachers and...Taxes raised, incumbents defeated in GRPS school board election
by (mattsimoto)
Submitted 05-05-2010 under NEWS
The results from the Tuesday, May 4 election are in, all 71 voting districts have reported, and the Grand Rapids Public Schools district has two new board members. Challengers Jon O'Connor and Mauren Quinn Slade defeated two incumbents Amy C....You, with your ear to the ground!
by (dennetmint)
Submitted 04-27-2010 under OPINION
From The Rapidian staff: During our press pit last week about breaking news, Grand Rapids Press' Web Producer Kate Nagengast made some very good points. It was the day after a cancelled Grand Rapids Public Schools board meeting. Emotions were...1,200 GRPS Students Exhibit at UICA!
by (KCAD)
Submitted 03-17-2010 under NONPROFITS
Each year, UICA is host to one of the most vibrant and eclectic exhibitions in Grand Rapids. This city-wide art show celebrates the creativity of over 1, 200 students from 73 public and shared-time schools within the Grand Rapids Public Schools....Obesity in Grand Rapids
by (weekst)
Submitted 12-11-2009 under NEWS
Written by: Tammy Weeks, Logan Brenk, Afton Seeley, and Christopher Brinks, Frederik Meijer Honors College, Grand Valley State University For the first time in human history, the number of overweight people rivals the number of underweight people.…...Reading Works in GRPS
by (aimbo333)
Submitted 10-09-2009 under NEWS
You see and hear it every day. Many of us live and breathe it. These are tough economic times. Mulick Park Elementary Principal Jamie McCabe wanted to do something to ease the financial burden for families at her school. “I knew they were facing...