GRTV premieres new format for NPO Showcase

by (GRTV)

Submitted 09-07-2016 under NONPROFITS

NPO Showcase, a staple production of GRTV, premieres with a new format today! This past summer, the show took a short hiatus while GRTV staff took time to reimagine the show to better serve the changing needs of nonprofits in our community. Overall...

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Calkins Law Office - The oldest building in Grand Rapids

by (GRTV)

Submitted 08-25-2016 under NONPROFITS

We all admire this beautiful city that we call Grand Rapids. It is grand for many reasons, ranging from its patron’s artistic ability, and more recently, its brewing ability and beautiful modern skyline. Have you ever wondered what Grand...

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Mayor Bliss talks about the budget in this month's episode of City Connection.

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 06-06-2016 under NEWS

This month's episode of City Connection features Mayor Rosalynn Bliss answering questions about the city of Grand Rapids' budget. The episode will also feature City Manager Greg Sundstrom, who will also discuss the city's budget. The episode will...

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Nonprofit sustainability in West Michigan

by (GRTV)

Submitted 05-25-2016 under NONPROFITS

Here in Grand Rapids, and extending throughout West Michigan, we’re known for our many nonprofit organizations and our culture of philanthropy. From services for those in need, to organizations that support the arts, from nonprofits that...

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City of Grand Rapids launches new bicycle safety education campaign

by (GRTV)

Submitted 05-10-2016 under NONPROFITS

Yesterday, the City of Grand Rapids launched Driving Change, its largest effort to educate motorists, bicyclists, and the community on how everyone can share the road safely. “Grand Rapids actually has a crash rate [between cars and bicycles]...

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Google I/O Extended Conference to be held in Grand Rapids on May 18

by (GRTV)

Submitted 04-19-2016 under NONPROFITS

An exciting Google conference, I/O Extended, will be held in Grand Rapids on May 18 at the Harris Building. Each year, Google holds their annual I/O event in California to gather the technology and developer communities and to announce new products...

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Mayor Bliss to discuss Housing and Homelessness in monthly call in show

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-04-2016 under NEWS

City Connection continued Monday, April 4th at 5 p.m. on LiveWire, Comcast Cable 24, for Mayor Rosalynn Bliss' third episode of the show. Discussion centered around Housing and homelessess with Tracie Coffman, Director of the Kent County...

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Exercise plays an important role in chronic disease prevention

by (GRTV)

Submitted 03-23-2016 under NONPROFITS

With fitness trends like CrossFit and wearable technology like the Fitbit, it’s easier than ever for people to get on (and stay on!) the exercise train. Even so, our dedication to exercise is often tied to losing weight, or getting our "...

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Mayor Bliss to discuss city neighborhoods in monthly call in show

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 03-14-2016 under NEWS

City Connection continued Monday, March 14 at 5 p.m. on LiveWire, Comcast Cable 24, for Mayor Rosalynn Bliss' second episode of the show. Discussion centered around neighborhood issues, with Stacy Stout, the city's newly hired...

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Step-Up Youth Productions provides outlet for creativity, physical activity

by (GRTV)

Submitted 02-25-2016 under NONPROFITS

A young girl in a puffy ball gown shows off her elegant waltzing skills. Next, a teenage couple swirls by to the tune of a classic song. Then, an 8 year old boy does the jive, perfectly in time to the fast-paced music playing. These are scenes from...

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