
Ethics and Religion Talk: Do You Visit Other Houses of Worship?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 02-20-2024 under OPINION

Linda Knieriemen is a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA).  Absolutely. There are no restrictions to attending a worship service of another faith. If invited to participate in the leadership of that worship I would do so in humility and...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Have You Seen an Increase in the Quality of Interfaith Engagement?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 11-06-2023 under OPINION

Linda Knieriemen, a retired pastor of the Presbyterian Church (USA), responds: "A question that comes to mind is "what does progress look like in interfaith engagement?” If it means greater global peace, no. I do believe we have more...

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Passing the Mic: West Michigan Hindu Temple's Fred Stella answers, "What is the purpose of your life?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 09-10-2021 under VOICES

Rishi Singh, Sikh practitioner and interfaith outreach officer for the Sikh Society of West Michigan, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "What is the purpose of your life? How can you live a spiritual life...

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Passing the Mic: Sikh Society of West Michigan's Rishi Singh answers, "What does your faith do to address your members' suffering?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 07-31-2021 under VOICES

Ven. Yong Su Mark Hepper, Mahayana Buddhist practitioner and Teaching Monk at the Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "What does your faith, your religion, do to specifically address your members...

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Passing the Mic: Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple's Rev. Yong Su answers, "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you've changed your perspective on over this pandemic?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-16-2021 under VOICES

Muneeba Khan, Islamic practitioner and member of At-Tawheed Islamic Center, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you’ve changed your perspective on over this pandemic time?...

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Passing the Mic: At-Tawheed Islamic Center's Muneeba Khan answers, "What aspect of your tradition has been the most difficult within the last year?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 03-30-2021 under VOICES

Allison Egrin, Jewish practitioner and Program Assistant at Kaufman Interfaith Institute, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "What aspect of your tradition has been the most difficult or taxing within the last year?"...

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Passing the Mic: Kaufman Interfaith Institute's Allison Egrin answers, "What tenet of your faith tradition most stands out to you right now?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 02-24-2021 under VOICES

Brett Townsend, Community Services Specialist at Community Media Center, asks leaders or practitioners in Grand Rapids faith communities: "What tenet of your religious or spiritual tradition most stands out to you right now?" Allison...

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Sharing in the gifts of Ramadan 2020

by (Kaufman Interfa...)

Submitted 04-24-2020 under NONPROFITS

We continue introducing you to some of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute staff who are working to expand our programming. Zahabia Ahmed-Usmani has been working with us a few years now and was a featured speaker for the Abrahamic Dinner in 2018. She...

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Make the arts part of your stay-at-home routine

by (Kaufman Interfa...)

Submitted 04-22-2020 under NONPROFITS

Today we begin introducing you to some of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute staff who are working to expand our programming.  Allison Egrin, our newest member, graduated from GVSU last December with majors in both marketing and dance. She also...

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Celebrating religious holidays during a pandemic

by (Kaufman Interfa...)

Submitted 04-07-2020 under NONPROFITS

We are entering that time of the year when many religions celebrate major holidays. These are holidays when communities come together to share the meaningful stories of their traditions.  Passover or Pesach begins the evening of April 8, when...

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