Local First
Local First celebrates a vibrant business community
by (Brittany Beezhold)
Submitted 01-30-2013 under LOCAL LIFE
Exposed, raw wooden ceilings stretched out wide, restored wooden floors with the character of an old familiar face, a raised pond of Koi fish varying in brilliant orange hues. Stepping through the double doors of the Goei Center, warm earth tones,...Fork Fest 2012 provides chance to get to know local food system
by (ChrisFreemanRealtor)
Submitted 10-19-2012 under NEWS
At first glance, it would be easy to think that Fork Fest was just a food fair where several restaurants were gathered at one spot for you to try their offerings. This casual observation quickly evaporates when you arrive at the venue. Romence...Fork Fest to champion harvest of local foods and beverages
by (Holly)
Submitted 10-17-2012 under NEWS
This Thursday night, Romence Gardens will be transformed into a walking taste-test playground for local food lovers by local business ownership advocates Local First of West Michigan. With over 35 local food and beverage vendors all...Taste of Michigan brings 20 food bloggers to Grand Rapids
by (wendypchef)
Submitted 10-08-2012 under LOCAL LIFE
The event was the brainchild of Liz Della Croce, who blogs at The Lemon Bowl, and Rachel Gurk of Rachel Cooks. “It all started as a little idea of mine to get together with a few other Michigan bloggers for dinner or something,” said...My selfish reasons for taking the Eat Local Challenge
by (Onawa Gardiner)
Submitted 08-23-2012 under VOICES
Local First announced is 10x10 Eat Local Challenge last week and I immediately pledged. I’ll admit it was for personal gain primarily since my first thoughts weren’t on creating a better world or helping one’s neighbor. Rather, I...Street party brings the best beer, food and music Grand Rapids has to offer
by (yuengerr)
Submitted 06-15-2012 under OPINION
On a day when temperatures reached the 90s, the Local First Street Party last Saturday was as crowded as ever, featuring a handful of local bands and even more local food choices. Taking place on Weston Street in front of Bistro Bella Vita, the...A Watershed Moment: National sustainable business conference comes to Grand Rapids
by (Scott Kaplan)
Submitted 05-16-2012 under NEWS
BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies) is a national organization that brings together locally-owned, independent businesses across the country interested in impacting their communities through socially-responsible business...Treehuggers to add package-free bulk vegan food grocery store
by (stevendavison)
Submitted 05-10-2012 under LOCAL LIFE
There is a saying that goes, “There is no such thing as a free lunch," meaning that every meal costs something to make. This applies when one considers the amount of resources it takes to manufacture the packaging of a frozen pizza, for...Locally owned or chain restaurants: Does it really matter?
by (wendypchef)
Submitted 11-23-2011 under OPINION
A hot new chain restaurant opens up in town. Some are excited. Others are dismayed and prefer to only dine at locally-owned restaurants. Does it really matter? According to Melissa English, Administrative Coordinator at Local First, yes, yes it does...Fork Fest 2011: Local First's moveable feast, close to home
by (Rob Cole)
Submitted 10-14-2011 under LOCAL LIFE
“At home I serve the kind of food I know the story behind.” ~ Michael Pollan Food activist Michael Pollan isn't alone: knowing the story behind the food we eat is important to a growing number of Grand Rapidians as well, as...