
Accusations of retaliation surface as GRPS communications director placed on leave

by (theoscheer)

Submitted 07-11-2024 under NEWS

A Grand Rapids Public Schools (GRPS) communications director was placed on paid administrative leave in March and is now seeking reinstatement, alleging retaliation for voicing concerns about his superiors’ leadership. According to a public...

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Community Updates: Friday, August 5

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 08-05-2022 under NEWS

Two Concerts Left in the 2022 GRAM on the Green Series This year's GRAM on the Green series, a partnership between the Grand Rapids Art Museum and WYCE, is beginning to draw to a close. With only two concerts left to go, GRAM is...

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Community updates: Thursday, Oct. 22

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 10-22-2020 under NEWS

Kent County Health Department reports continued rise in county’s COVID-19 case growth Kent County's resurgence in COVID-19 case growth is continuing its nearly month and a half trend, the Kent County Health Department (KCHD) reported on...

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Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center holds walkout in solidarity with GRPS, to promote safe community

by (hutch84)

Submitted 03-14-2018 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center (GRCDC) is a K – 5 elementary school in downtown Grand Rapids. GRCDC is a charter school with Grand Rapids Public Schools as the charter authorizer. This means they can make decisions as an autonomous entity...

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Local teacher argues Muskegon Heights students need money, support not school closures

by (Jeffery Rundhaug)

Submitted 02-02-2017 under OPINION

I can't keep my mouth closed any longer regarding the imminent closure of my school, Muskegon Heights Academy. The issue of the achievement gap among our students and others is very complicated and made worse with bad policy from the State of...

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When free college is not enough

by (benwilkoliver)

Submitted 05-03-2016 under OPINION

On Saturday, April 23, neighbors on the westside of Grand Rapids got “down and dirty” at the annual Westside Community Cleanup. Started in 2009, it has evolved from a small group of concerned residents who saw a need to clean up the...

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Food Bank partners with schools to solve childhood hunger

by (Feeding America...)

Submitted 05-19-2015 under NONPROFITS

Michigan’s economy is improving, but thousands of Michiganders still struggle to meet their basic needs. The need is especially high among children. In fact, 1 in 5 kids in West Michigan and the Upper Peninsula is at risk of hunger. Feeding...

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GR Initiative for Leaders expands partnership with local high schools, colleges

by (GR Initiative f...)

Submitted 01-22-2015 under NONPROFITS

GR Initiative for Leaders (GRIL) announced their program expansion and continued partnership with local public schools and area ministries to provide leadership development opportunities for high school students. This year begins a three year...

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Living the work: a brief interview with Community Literacy Initiative Advisory Council member Alyssa Morillo Scheidt

by (Community Liter...)

Submitted 10-13-2014 under NONPROFITS

The Community Literacy Initiative Advisory Council is comprised of individuals across multiple sectors, each with a passion for improving literacy, empowering the community and engaging in coalition work. We asked Alyssa Morillo Scheidt, Director of...

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Storytellers spin tales for elementary classrooms, public events

by (dansteenwyk)

Submitted 04-15-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Every month, a group of enthusiastic individuals gathers in Grand Rapids to spin yarns and tell tall tales. Story Spinners of Grand Rapids share personal stories, fables, historical narratives, personal mementos and everything in between. They have...

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