women's way

Community updates: Friday, March 12

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 03-12-2021 under NEWS

City of Grand Rapids expanding efforts to improve curbside recycling A new campaign by the City of Grand Rapids is rolling out this year to educate city households on best practices for curbside recycling, with an emphasis on preventing plastic bags...

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Community updates: Tuesday, Aug. 11

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 08-11-2020 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Police Department releases draft strategic plan to improve policing Grand Rapids Police Department's (GRPD) Chief Eric Payne released a draft of the department's three-year strategic plan on Friday, which aims to improve police-...

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Community updates: Saturday, July 11

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 07-11-2020 under NEWS

Gov. Whitmer expands face covering requirement in Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued an executive order Friday requiring Michiganders to wear face coverings in public indoor or crowded outdoor spaces – or receive up to a $500 fine. The...

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