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Flying Without Wingz mixes up a masterpiece

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Last Wednesday I went to a great hip hop concert at The Intersection (133 Grandville SW). The Show featured two headline acts 88Keys and the Kidz in the Hall. Before the Headline act was a group that has been previously featured in the Rapidian called Flying Without Wingz.

I talked to the two members of the group Carrisa "Irawniq" Anderson and Vernon "V.C." Carter.

"Wednesday, March 10th was a phenomenal experience. To grace the same stage as the very talented 88keys and Kidz in the Hall is something we as artists appreciate and embrace. This is the beginning of a very extensive journey and we expect many more great experiences to come," Anderson said.

"This was yet another great experience for us. Meeting new artists that are out there doing their thing is always great. Plus The Intersection is a rocking venue," Carter stated.

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