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Grand Rapids

State of the Onion address: Markets, restaurants and learning opportunities grow

Submitted 06-06-2013 under OPINION

As the new Culinary Correspondent for The Rapidian, I begin by establishing a foundation on which I base my own opinions, business and interaction within the “food scene” of our community, whether it’s buying food, dining out, or exploring local food issues.


WMI pushes it past potential with Rick Chyme

Submitted 06-06-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Hip Hop artist Rick Chyme and keyboardist Ryan K. Wilson hang out at The Meanwhile with WMI


Say hello to WMCAT's new Teen Program Director

Submitted 06-05-2013 under NONPROFITS

The West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology is excited to welcome Becca Guyette to their team as the Teen Program Director. She brings more than seven years of experience to the organization.


In Season: June 5, 2013

Submitted 06-05-2013 under NONPROFITS

Strawberries are back in Season! Listing of other local foods that are at the market.


Six degrees of local musician Dan Fisher

Submitted 06-05-2013 under OPINION

Seven Grand Rapids bands and hundreds of shows under his belt, Dan Fisher represents music, community and happiness.


Gluten-Free Fair introduces Grand Rapids to new food options

Submitted 06-05-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Michigan Local Foodbeet visited the seventh annual Gluten Free Fair at the Delta-Plex and learned about Michigan-produced gluten free foods.


Area GRIL alumni graduate from college

Submitted 06-04-2013 under NONPROFITS

Three of GRIL's graduates go on to graduate from Calvin College.


Bike polo tournament comes to NE side

Submitted 06-04-2013 under NEWS

Grand Rapids will host the first Regional Qualifier Tournament on brand new bicycle polo courts.


Artisan market to return to South Division twice this summer

Submitted 06-04-2013 under NEWS

The South Division corridor will showcase positive development in the business district to create a community-based event.


Repurpose former Public Museum

Submitted 06-04-2013 under NEWS

Site:Lab has created a jurored contest to breathe new life into the former home of the Grand Rapids Public Museum.

