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Great Lakes Commonwealth offers new venue, new membership program

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters is pleased to introduce its newly renovated venue, as well as a new membership program.

/Jon Clay/Tyler Steimle

Individual Membership to GLCL: $35.00/year

Membership benefits include:

  • a quarterly newsletter featuring a regional literary event calendar, Great Lakes author and publisher profiles, book news, and more
  • advance notice of any limited seating or ticketed events held at GLCL's venue
  • invitation to use GLCL's writers' hub during open business hours
  • the ability to apply for use of GLCL's intimate venue for literary-related events at a reduced venue cost

Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters (GLCL), a literary nonprofit established in 2013, has a simple mission: to encourage, promote and celebrate the literary endeavors of writers in the Great Lakes region. In serving its mission, GLCL has now moved into renovated headquarters, located at 758 Wealthy Street SE (the corner of Wealthy and Eastern in Grand Rapids), and has established a new membership program.

Roni K. Devlin, President of GLCL, notes, “GLCL has evolved quickly over the last year, and we’re really excited about the chance to add members to our organization. We feel that the literary arts are like any other cultural interest, and that the artists who practice within the world of literature deserve a place to write, to congregate, and to celebrate their finished works. Just as you might join a museum or purchase season tickets to the symphony to foster culture in your community, we hope you’ll become a member of GLCL to help support the writers (and their readers) who practice their craft in Michigan.”

The membership program at GLCL is notably affordable at $35.00 per year for an individual. Membership benefits include a quarterly newsletter featuring a regional literary event calendar, Great Lakes author and publisher profiles, book news, and more; advance notice of any limited seating or ticketed events held at GLCL's venue; invitation to use GLCL's writers' hub during open business hours; and the ability to apply for use of GLCL's intimate venue for literary-related events at a reduced venue cost.

GLCL’s space, which is currently open to members on Tuesday through Friday, 1pm to 6pm, is freshly renovated, and features comfortable tables, chairs, couches, and ottomans; it even has a fireplace and offers Rowster© coffee to members for $1 per cup. At the rear of the space is a small stage, along with a piano, that can be used during literary events and gatherings. Also housed in the space is a growing collection of books, by Michigan authors and/or about Michigan topics, that serves as a browsing library or resource for members.

If you’d like to join GLCL as a member, or if you’d like more information about the nonprofit and its activities, please visit

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