The Rapidian Home

Grand Rapid's North East Neighborhood

Sum It Up: The Meaning of Things

Submitted 03-15-2011 under OPINION

The Rapidian's new summary field helps both readers and reporters alike get to the heart of an article.


AIGA Grand Valley Presents 3rd Annual Pattern Show

Submitted 03-15-2011 under NONPROFITS


Grand Valley's 50th Anniversary 50 Hour Service Challenge

Submitted 03-11-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

The 50 year GVSU Volunteer Challenge has concluded, but it lives on.


Catalyst Radio: Proposed fed budget cuts eliminating national community service to affect thousands in GR

Submitted 03-11-2011 under NONPROFITS

The Michigan Community Service Commission joins us on air to detail service in urban and rural areas, and how the GR community and volunteers would be directly affected by proposed federal budget cuts


Wealthy Theatre & LaughFest - Full Preview!

Submitted 03-10-2011 under NONPROFITS

