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Teens wrestle with power

Submitted 08-09-2013 under NONPROFITS

Teens going through GR Initiative for Leaders' ACTIVATE justice curriculum are examining how they can have a positive impact on local justice issues,


High school students to spend summer identifying social justice issues.

Submitted 07-02-2013 under NONPROFITS

GR Initiative for Leaders teaches their new ACTIVATE curriculum.


Put some time in the bank at Timebank Grand Rapids

Submitted 07-02-2013 under NEWS

Give your time and receive another's by joining Timebank Grand Rapids, a network of individuals and organizations that share services with one another.


Area GRIL alumni graduate from college

Submitted 06-04-2013 under NONPROFITS

Three of GRIL's graduates go on to graduate from Calvin College.


How to grow food successfully: it can't be that hard!

Submitted 06-04-2013 under OPINION

The trick to successful food gardening is simple, and Our Kitchen Table is ready to share it.


Southeast Area Farmers' Market Opens June 1

Submitted 05-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

OKT brings Fresh Produce from Local Farmers & Gardens to southeast neighbors


Area Teens Take a Stand

Submitted 05-15-2013 under NONPROFITS

GRIL U Teens Take a Stand for Justice in Education in our Communities


GRIL U participants teens graduate from college

Submitted 05-10-2013 under NONPROFITS

Mario Adkins, Jordana Seebeck and Terrill Charleston, GRIL U teen leadership program graduates, have now also graduated from local colleges.


Ottawa Hills students pay it forward

Submitted 04-10-2013 under NONPROFITS

Ottawa Hills High School GRIL Leadership students read with Shawnee Park Elementary School students.


In Our Own Lives

Submitted 10-01-2012 under NONPROFITS

How the power of music has affected the lives of the exectutive staff at this nonprofit organization

