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Gaia staff hope to raise funds, keep doors open

Gaia Cafe is closing its doors at the end of the month unless monies can be raised to change ownership to staff.

/Eric Tank

Underwriting support from:

Gaia Cafe Facebook page

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/Eric Tank

On Sunday, August 31, East Hills neighborhood staple Gaia Cafe will close its doors. 

According to the Facebook page, Gaia is closing "due to ownerships [Sic] personal endeavors." The owner could not be immediately reached for comment.

Andrea Bumstead, manager, has stated that the restaurant is doing well financially and would like to transition ownership from the current proprietor to the staff, under a worker owned model. However, funds of up to $100,000 must be raised in a very short time if the vegetarian hotspot is to remain open. 

Initially, a Kickstarter campaign was concieved, but due to the time constraint and amount of dollars needed to raise, other avenues are currently being pursued, according to Bumstead. 

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