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Terra GR's Restaurant Week fundraiser sends 2,000 meals to neighbors in need

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The farm-to-table restaurant supported Feeding America West Michigan during Restaurant Week.
Terra GR's Megan Leech picks cherries for Feeding America West Michigan in July.

Terra GR's Megan Leech picks cherries for Feeding America West Michigan in July. /Feeding America West Michigan

Restaurant Week 2015 ran from August 12-23 in Grand Rapids.

Restaurant Week 2015 ran from August 12-23 in Grand Rapids. /Experience Grand Rapids

For Terra GR Restaurant, this was a very good week.

“This was the most successful Restaurant Week we’ve had to date,” said general manager Chris McDonald. “Guest satisfaction, the menu we put together, the partnership we had with [Feeding America West Michigan] — it was a win all around.”

This year, the Eastown restaurant pledged that for every Restaurant Week special sold, they would donate $1 to Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank. Additional donations from guests brought the total gift to $523, enough to send 2,092 meals to children, adults and seniors struggling with hunger in West Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.

“We’ve always thought, what better time to talk to people about local hunger than when they’re enjoying a good meal?” said Feeding America West Michigan spokesperson Andrew Steiner. “Once again, the Terra GR team has proven themselves to be great advocates for our mission.”

Those looking to get involved in the Food Bank’s mission to solve hunger can learn more about the organization at

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