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A Very Special Mother's Day

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

Mother’s Day is supposed to be a day off for moms. A day for mothers to sit back and relax. But what about the mothers that don’t have a support system? Thanks to Applebee's | East Beltline, Grand Rapids, MI, and the St. John's Home Guild, 13 mothers from DABSJ's Sisters in Support program were able
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Mother’s Day is supposed to be a day off for moms. A day for mothers to sit back, get breakfast in bed, and have their family dote on them. But what about the mothers that don’t have family support? What about the mothers that don’t have anyone but their child? Or the mothers that struggle to get by and can’t afford a day to be “spoiled?”

Last Saturday, 13 young women and their children, regardless of their circumstances, were able to enjoy Mother’s Day.

These 13 incredibly deserving mothers are part of D.A. Blodgett- St. John’s Sisters in Support (SIS) program.  SIS is for first time mothers or mothers struggling to raise multiple children. It’s a program where young mothers in need are matched with female mentors in the community. Volunteer “Sisters” act as friends and role models to help these women who are learning to cope with parenting, school, and financial responsibilities.

For many of these young women, one of their most common needs is friendship. Often, these mothers have been forced to dissociate themselves with negative influences in their life, including family and friends. SIS is an opportunity for the community to show these young mothers love, support, and that they are not alone.

Last weekend, the community support these young women experienced reached beyond their “Sister.” The St. John’s Home Guild, a 50 year+ institution with D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s, opened their arms and hearts to these mothers.

The St. John’s Home Guild sponsored a special breakfast for SIS mothers and volunteers at the Beltline Applebee’s. The space and food was generously donated by the manager and the Guild members volunteered their time painting faces, serving breakfast, and of course holding babies!

The breakfast and activities were fun, but what the young mothers enjoyed the most was the opportunity to relax while not worrying about their children. While the Guild members entertained the children, each mother and her “Sister” were able to chat freely about concerns, issues, and their experiences with new motherhood.

Many of these young mothers’ circumstances are dramatically different than most mothers’. But this Mother’s Day, thanks to our wonderful community, they were able to enjoy Mother’s Day the way it should be.

For more information about the Sisters in Support, the 20 women currently waiting for a “Sister,” or the St. John’s Home Guild, please visit

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