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ArtPrize 2014: How to register, vote, map routes, all from your phone

A quick guide to using this year's ArtPrize app to register to vote, vote on your favorite entries, and navigate your way around.
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/Courtesy of ArtPrize

New to ArtPrize? Not sure how to go about voting? Here's a simple walkthrough to get you started.

With an iOS device or Android, you can utilize the ArtPrize app for voting, creating lists and mapping out routes to see the art. 

For those not wanting to use a smartphone, registering can happen at one of the below location, after which voting can be done from a computer or via text message on any cellphone.

Registering must happen within the ArtPrize boundaries, whether on a smartphone or not. Once registered, visitors can vote from anywhere. Registration sites include:

Voting is free and open to the visiting public. First round votes can be placed for any artwork, through October 4 at 11:59 p.m. For more information and the official rules about voting, visit the ArtPrize website.



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