all arts all abilities

ACT's 30th Festival Day brings together all Grand Rapids communities

by (Artists Creatin...)

Submitted 05-23-2016 under NONPROFITS

Hundreds of kids, teachers, parents and volunteers are crowding around a center stage, upbeat music booming from the speakers. Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” plays and several kids instantly jump up, turning to dance with their...

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ACTion Drummers celebrate Mardi Gras with community at Marge's Donut Den

by (Artists Creatin...)

Submitted 03-03-2016 under NONPROFITS

On Tuesday, February 9th, Marge’s Donut Den was bustling with excitement—at least fifty people were crammed into the bakery, chattering amongst themselves about whether they would get fruit-filled, cream, or traditional paczkis. This...

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