design thinking

Grow your ability to innovate, collaborate and create through design thinking on October 24

by (wmcat)

Submitted 10-05-2018 under NONPROFITS

Public Agency at WMCAT's 1-Day Design Thinking Blitz on October 24 is an 8-hour challenge to shed behaviors that prevent us from moving projects forward. Over the course of the day you’ll complete a design cycle; hone your...

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WMCAT to honor nationally-renowned pioneer in design thinking

by (wmcat)

Submitted 03-01-2016 under NONPROFITS

The West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology (WMCAT) will honor David Kelley, founder of Stanford University’s and design firm IDEO, for his contributions to design thinking at iBall 2016 on March 18 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel...

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A SOS (Shape our Schools) Call To the Creatives, From a Creative

by (LisaRoseGR)

Submitted 09-08-2010 under OPINION

Both Lisa Rose Starner and Seth Starner collaborated on this piece. Grand Rapids is brimming with creativity, and it's this talent that is painting a new face on Grand Rapids. These creatives aren't just relegated to the artist's studio – these...

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