freedom of the press

How I learned to stop worrying and love citizen journalism: A farewell to Managing Editor Holly Bechiri

by (Marjorie Steele)

Submitted 02-26-2016 under OPINION

I first met Holly Bechiri, who departs from The Rapidian today, when she asked to hold a “Story Fort” at a downtown space managed by my at-the-time employer. I didn’t know much about The Rapidian then, or citizen journalism, for...

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Mightier than the sword

by (Holly)

Submitted 01-08-2015 under OPINION

We the staff of The Rapidian don't often write editorials, or express our own opinions here. That's because, as a part of the Community Media Center, we are a platform for all. We're here to support our community's voices, and doing...

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Sucker punch: How police control of media in Ferguson affects us all

by (Holly)

Submitted 08-14-2014 under OPINION

This morning's news coming from Ferguson, Mo. was a sucker punch to my stomach. I read of journalists being asked to leave. Many stayed, holding to their honorable role in society. They were consequently being harassed, arrested or...

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