No-cost in-person High Blood Pressure Control workshops in Cascade area and online still have openings

by (National Kidney...)

Submitted 09-27-2023 under NONPROFITS

No-cost in-person High Blood Pressure Control workshop in Cascade area still has openings; more workshops available online If you are living with high blood pressure and want to be healthier, consider taking an upcoming in-person High Blood Pressure...

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Take charge of your health this fall with no-cost in-person High Blood Pressure Control workshop in Jenison; additional workshops over Zoom

by (National Kidney...)

Submitted 08-21-2023 under NONPROFITS

Take charge of your health this fall with no-cost in-person High Blood Pressure Control workshop in Jenison; additional workshops over Zoom If you are living with high blood pressure and want to be healthier, consider taking the upcoming in-person...

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