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Pub 43 organizes cohesive Conversation

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Pub 43 on Division fills its usually dynamic space with a conversation hung specifically for ArtPrize 2012.


ArtPrize Artist Profile: Pete Weatherhead's 'G Rap City' a prize to behold

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

With a call to remove guns from Grand Rapids, Pete Weatherhead updates his roots.


ArtPrize Artist Profile: Looking back in time with Robert Watkins

Submitted 09-28-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Robert Watkins discusses his 2012 ArtPrize entry and what Grand Rapids means to him.


ArtPrize Artist Profile: Henkel's 8-foot tall 'Rainman' stands at 50 Monroe

Submitted 09-28-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Former Art Train artist installs 'Rainman' at 50 Monroe.


ABCD 83 makes visual breakthrough with More or Less

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Using a combination of sculptural installation, music and video projection the Chicago-based ABCD 83 pushes the boundaries of conceptual art.


ArtPrize Artist Profile: Dave Ford, swinging into sound

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Dave Ford has created an artful connection between the joy of swinging and sound. With his Swing Set Drum Kit, participants can explore sound through a unique mode and leave never to think of swing sets or sounds in the same way.


Catalyst Radio: Mosaic Film Experience a new juried festival

Submitted 09-28-2012 under NEWS

New film festival seeking submissions by Sept. 30. deadline from young people on theme of "Similar Stories...A Different Lens."


A Spirituality Workshop for Men

Submitted 09-28-2012 under NONPROFITS

This is a retreat experience for men who are willing to remove their ear buds long enough to hear God’s voice in the ordinary circumstances of life.


Tuesday Tabletalk - Mystics and Mysticism

Submitted 09-28-2012 under NONPROFITS

In celebration of 2012 - Year of Interfaith Understanding, the October Tuesday Tabletalk will be held on October 16, 2012 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Dominican Center at Marywood (DCM), 2025 Fulton Street East, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503.


Luke Winslow-King Trio brings timeless tunes to Mexicains Sans Frontieres

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Review of the Luke Winslow-King Trio performance at Mexicains Sans Frontieres September 2012

