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East Grand Rapids

Say hello to WMCAT's new Teen Program Director

Submitted 06-05-2013 under NONPROFITS

The West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology is excited to welcome Becca Guyette to their team as the Teen Program Director. She brings more than seven years of experience to the organization.


Miracle on Fulton Street: East Grand Rapids' Luke Glendening continues to elevate Griffins, defy odds

Submitted 05-24-2013 under NEWS

EGRHS graduate Luke Glendening's storybook rookie campaign for the Griffins continues his unusual road to professional hockey success.


Join us in supporting local economy

Submitted 05-17-2013 under OPINION

Our local economy is driven by innovators, risk-takers and dreamers. And like The Rapidian, it is fueled by all of us.


West MI Fractivist Nicole Berens-Capizzi puts compassion and action up against injustices

Submitted 05-10-2013 under OPINION

West Michigan activist speaks out against fracking's injustices against the environment and human and animal health


West MI Fractivist Sarah Barker sings for a silent spring

Submitted 05-10-2013 under OPINION

A local student and musician hopes to engage listeners' hearts and minds with songs that confront the sensory side of fracking.


West MI Fractivist Steve Losher: "We've got every right to be here!"

Submitted 05-10-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Steve Losher provides insights on the effects of hydraulic fracturing and MLAWD's journey to save state land.


Fracking comes to West Michigan

Submitted 05-10-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

GRCC's Writing for Publication class interviews local fractivists - citizen activists concerned about the dangers of fracking.


Ten ways you can help prevent child abuse and neglect

Submitted 04-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

April is National Child Abuse and Prevention Month. Sometimes, preventing child abuse may seem like an insurmountable task. But there are ways, big and small, that every West Michigan resident can help.


Volunteers needed for national hunger study

Submitted 04-12-2013 under NONPROFITS

Local food bank needs volunteers to assess food insecurity in West Michigan


National food justice activists to lead convenings on food justice

Submitted 04-11-2013 under NONPROFITS

Our Kitchen Table brings to town food justice activist, LaDonna Redmond, and Rosa Parks Institute President Emeritus, Lila Cabbil.

