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Fair Housing Center of West Michigan works to ensure everyone has equal opportunity to housing

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

Fair Housing Center of West Michigan works to ensure everyone has equal opportunity to housing that fits their lifestyle or needs

About NPO Showcase

NPO Showcase highlights nonprofit and government organizations and the work that they're doing in our community. The program is a feature of GRTV, a service of the Community Media Center, with producer and host Adrian Hirsch. You can catch it on GRTV on Saturdays at 8 AM and 6 PM and can view past episodes on Grand Rapids Community Media Center website. If your nonprofit would like to be interviewed on NPO Showcase, please contact Adrian Hirsch.

Liz Keegan on NPO Showcase

Liz Keegan on NPO Showcase /GRTV

In this week’s segment of GRTV’s NPO Showcase, Liz Keegan, Director of Education & Outreach from the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan discusses how the organization helps prevent housing discrimination, and educates the community and landlords on the best practices to avoid discrimination. 

FHCWM helps housing professionals avoid discrimination through a variety of educational services and training opportunities. They also offer a variety of resources including educational materials, fair housing laws and guidelines, and best practice publications. For tenants and homebuyers, they provide informational materials outlining community member's rights on topics ranging from discrimination against ethnicity, religion, disabilities, age and more. For those experiencing discrimination, FHCWM offers ways to report discrimination and provides the next steps for the tenant.

Community members can get involved by attending an event or workshop, volunteer, or make a donation.

NPO Showcase is just one of the many ways that the Community Media Center serves the nonprofit community. For information about this and other CMC services for nonprofits, or to schedule a future interview, contact Nonprofit Outreach Coordinator, Adrian Hirsch, at 616-459-4788 x105 or email [email protected].

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