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Grand Rapids City Commission hosts meeting off site for the night

The commissioners' night out took place at Oakdale Park Church in Grand Rapids' third ward.
Grand Rapids City Commissioners hold their meeting at Oakdale Par Church on the city's southeast side

Grand Rapids City Commissioners hold their meeting at Oakdale Par Church on the city's southeast side /John Rothwell

Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss looking over the meeting agenda

Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss looking over the meeting agenda /John Rothwell

Adam Doubblestein and James Redford answer questions about the  proposed building of a new Veterans Facility

Adam Doubblestein and James Redford answer questions about the proposed building of a new Veterans Facility /John Rothwell

Moving the meeting out of Commission Chambers for the night, Grand Rapids City Commissioners brought City Hall to the third ward on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 for their commissioners night out. The meeting was held at Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church, 961 Temple St. SE.

It is one of three that the City holds each year off-site with one in each ward of the city. The off-site meetings allow City Hall to come to the people.The City set up tables for representatives from various departments to be on hand to answer people's questions before and during the meeting.

Second ward resident Paul V’Soske addressed the commission with concerns about an ordinance to rezone 3000 Monroe (The Veterans Home) to a special district-planned redeveloped district. The rezoning would be a start in the process of the VA building a new facility on property it owns along with the existing facility.

After a lengthy discussion with James Redford, Director of the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, on the timeline of the proposed new facility, along with design changes to accommodate the concerns of neighbors, commissioners voted 6-0 to approve the ordinance change.

V’Soske, who is the only adjacent property owner to the proposed project, has been a steward for thirty eight years of the undeveloped wooded area where the State wants to build a world-class veterans' facility.

“All we are looking for is a good neighbor," said V’Soske. "I am happy that Director Redford and his group are going to bring us together to start having the opportunity to engage.”

Commissioners also unanimously approved 6-0 to enter into a contract with Springsted Waters Inc. for the City Manager recruitment process.

City Commissioner Jon O'Connor was not present at the meeting.

The next City Commission meeting will be March 27, 2108 at 7 p.m. in the Commission Chambers on the 9th floor of City Hall located at 300 Monroe NW.

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